Meet Sheldon

So we have a cat called Sheldon (yes named after Sheldon Cooper Dave’s doing). I have always said I will never have a cat since I can remember I’ve been uncomfortable around cats the way they look at you so unpredictable, they climb curtains, Christmas trees, walk on counter tops and the thought of a litter tray! Mollie has always wanted cat and I’ve always said no, no way, not ever (evil step mum moment).

Anyways we moved to the countryside which means there are mice (which I have an irrational fear of I mean burst into tears irrational) in the fields around us and I don’t want them so I was talked into getting a cat. Our friends had three kittens that had been abandoned in a layby near their house (how anyone can do this is beyond me). I was sent pictures and they were super cute so you guessed it we got one. When we told Mollie she burst into tears saying I never ever thought I would get a cat, she was so excited.

How could I say no!

What came with him was the biggest scratching post you have ever seen that just keeps getting moved around the house it’s not the nicest pieces of furniture and a litter tray. Other than that dare I say it I have loved having a cat hopefully this isn’t the start of my transition into crazy cat lady. The kitten that was going to live in the summer house and outside lives in the house and is treated like a prince by all of us. Even Henry (our dog) loves him they make lots of mischief together and when they are not doing that they are snuggled up for a nap. Getting Sheldon has also given Mollie some responsibility she feeds him everyday without complaining and hoovers up the litter he kicks around. Watching her playing with him wearing ski gloves so he doesn’t claw her is hilarious but she really does love her little cat.

The last few weeks for me have been a love/hate relationship with him he has ruined one of my leather breakfast stools & bit me because I dared to try and stop him from doing it. The icing on the cake was when Mollie was laughing pointing at the cat who was pulling his ass across my cream carpet leaving a brown snail trail behind him (in my head he was off back in the summer house at this point). He has also been acting really strange making noises and rubbing against things when I have googled his symptoms it says my male cat is in heat so this week are off to the vet to find out if Sheldon is in fact a Shelly. I will keep you posted!



Mollie & Sheldon


The day he tried to join me in the bath.



London Trip

For Valentines we decided we weren’t doing gifts instead we had a trip down to London we went down Monday afternoon and came back Tuesday night. Me & Dave haven’t really been to London and stopped over together before. While I love a London trip Dave isn’t a fan. He had a meeting he had to attended Tuesday morning in the city so with it being valentines and half term he invited me along.  First class travel and four star hotel I could cope with a few hours out of my day talking about weeds and trees, it was actually quite nice to have an incite into his work (not that I’m admitting that to him).

Monday was spent doing what we do best eating and drinking. We didn’t want to stay out too late with us having the meeting the next morning, so we stayed close to the hotel. We found a boutique bowling alley that served food and cocktails. I would  recommend booking in advance if you want a game as the one we visited didn’t have many lanes so we didn’t manage one. The food was yum and they did there own version of my favourite cocktail the porn star martini this was named All Star Martini it had rhubarb vodka instead of vanilla I will definitely be trying to recreate this one at home. We then headed to Londons cocktail club on Shaftesbury Avenue it was happy hour all night! I loved people watching couples, groups of friends from all over the world. The girl who served us was super helpful with choosing cocktails for us, its definitely worth a visit if you love a good cocktail and this isn’t the only one they are all over London meaning more to try next time we are there bonus!


The next morning we hopped on the underground then the DLR to Dave’s meeting, meaning I saw parts of London I’d never seen before and perfect for more people watching. Then shopping in Covent Garden, lunch in China Town, window shopping in Harrods (mostly spent dribbling in shoe heaven) and then we went to the Picturehouse central cinema and watched fifty shades darker we’ve all read the books so we know what the films about.

These will be my wedding shoes, these will be my wedding shoes, these will be my wedding shoes. If I say it enough it might come true 🙂 

Walking in the cinema I was in love with the decor especially the lighting is was very industrial we are currently decorating our dinning room and thats the look we are going for so I took far too many pics this was my favourite piece of lighting.


After the cinema we were walking through London to collect our bags and then back to Kings cross on the walk I had a total Love Actually moment, you know the part at the end of the film when Hugh Grant tells us all that love actually is all around (I now believe him). There were couples walking hand in hand, people waiting with flowers, inside restaurants were people who looked so in love. The streets of London were filled with happy couples and I loved just wandering through them imagining their stories. We walked past a girl coming out of her apartment to meet her friend, her friend had brought her a card and a rose and said I know we were doing an anti-valentines besties thing but happy valentines.  For a few streets we followed an older couple, I have this thing about the elderly I just love them. My nan was my best friend (sorry Jodie) but they tell the best stories and being around them makes me feel happy anyways back to the couple. They walked hand in hand chatting and laughing she was carrying a single red rose and when they got to where they were headed they stopped he kissed her cheek and he held the door open (its the little things) I hope me and Dave are as in love and still have as much to laugh and talk about their age.

On the train home we exchanged our Valentines cards I’m glad we didn’t do presents it meant we both put more thought into our cards (I wrote a blog post all about mine here) and it finished our Valentines off perfectly. Hope you all had a good valentines too.

Jessica x





Reasons I want to marry you

Last month I went for a girls day out to London with my bestie. As we were passing time (shopping) waiting to see the final matinee performance of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory we stumbled upon the nicest little (since realised global chain) stationary shop Kikki K I walked in and was in stationary heaven I love anything stationary related any note book/diary/journal I can write in, or quirky cards I can send to friends and family. I could have spent a fortune but after already doing far too much shopping I limited myself to two books and a card.


The card is for my fiancé for valentines its simple but perfect it says on the front reasons I want to marry you. Ever since I purchased it I’ve been making notes of different things I can write in it. I’ve loved doing it so much that I wanted to put the list out for anyone and everyone to see and also because ****soppy alert**** I’m so grateful that we found each other and I can’t wait to marry my amazing man.


Reasons I want to marry you …

  1.  You make all the amazing things happen (our dream home, our amazing travelling trips and planned trips, our wedding) and for all of this I am truly grateful.
  2. You planned the most perfect proposal any girl could wish for down to every detail, I still pinch myself when I think back to it.
  3. You said from the very start we will be together forever and you truly meant it.
  4. You’re an amazing dad. Watching you with Mollie makes my heart melt.
  5. You are such a good cook and make the best Sunday dinner ever! (Mol agrees)
  6. Every morning you send a have a nice day, I love you text. It brightens up my day.
  7. You know I’m not a morning person so if I have to be up early you set your alarm too to make sure I am up, thank you. x
  8. We can get our geek on together (movie marathons and Harry Potter world).
  9. You are my best friend.
  10. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

I’m not usually the confess my undying love all over social media type of girl but with it being valentines I thought why not…

Jessica x

I do wedding fayre

Since getting engaged I couldn’t wait to go to a wedding fayre I went to my first one about two weeks after we got engaged I loved it, showing off my ring talking about our plans for our wedding and filling up my goodie bag. When I got home reality hit I liked and wanted so much and weddings are ridiculously expensive. So Dave (my fiancé) being Dave made a plan and we are getting married in August 2019 meaning we will have been engaged for three years when we do get married. Since then my best friend got engaged, booked her wedding and asked me to be her maid of honour so I am back hitting the wedding fayres but with my MOH hat on.

Last Sunday we went to the I do wedding fayre in Leeds. On arrival we got our complimentary goodie bag and prosecco (I am still a bride to be after all and love a freebie). The goodie bag was pretty good it had a razor, face creams (I’m yet to try), graze goodies & some new Nestle fruit bags (Bounty & Galaxy). The exhibit was well set out, easy to navigate & there was a good variety of stalls. One stall that stood out to me was Manjo home, they had a good variety of DIY wedding things that you could purchase on the day. I bought the Ginger Ray hen party badges and photo booth probs. The badges are super easy to make and very cute once made.


The other wedding fayres I have been to I’ve never watched the catwalk show however today Jodie (my bestie) wanted to hear a violinist who was performing after the catwalk so we decided to take a seat. I don’t know if this is the norm but I just felt so cringe with the dad dancing done by the male models I wanted them to come out masculine and show off the suits like they were our future husbands not an embarrassing uncle on the dance floor maybe thats just me.  All in all it was a good morning. I will definitely be booking again once my turn for wedding planing comes around.

Jessica x

p.s I would totally advise booking morning tickets and get there for it opening it is a lot quieter and easier to get round the stalls.