Meet Sheldon

So we have a cat called Sheldon (yes named after Sheldon Cooper Dave’s doing). I have always said I will never have a cat since I can remember I’ve been uncomfortable around cats the way they look at you so unpredictable, they climb curtains, Christmas trees, walk on counter tops and the thought of a litter tray! Mollie has always wanted cat and I’ve always said no, no way, not ever (evil step mum moment).

Anyways we moved to the countryside which means there are mice (which I have an irrational fear of I mean burst into tears irrational) in the fields around us and I don’t want them so I was talked into getting a cat. Our friends had three kittens that had been abandoned in a layby near their house (how anyone can do this is beyond me). I was sent pictures and they were super cute so you guessed it we got one. When we told Mollie she burst into tears saying I never ever thought I would get a cat, she was so excited.

How could I say no!

What came with him was the biggest scratching post you have ever seen that just keeps getting moved around the house it’s not the nicest pieces of furniture and a litter tray. Other than that dare I say it I have loved having a cat hopefully this isn’t the start of my transition into crazy cat lady. The kitten that was going to live in the summer house and outside lives in the house and is treated like a prince by all of us. Even Henry (our dog) loves him they make lots of mischief together and when they are not doing that they are snuggled up for a nap. Getting Sheldon has also given Mollie some responsibility she feeds him everyday without complaining and hoovers up the litter he kicks around. Watching her playing with him wearing ski gloves so he doesn’t claw her is hilarious but she really does love her little cat.

The last few weeks for me have been a love/hate relationship with him he has ruined one of my leather breakfast stools & bit me because I dared to try and stop him from doing it. The icing on the cake was when Mollie was laughing pointing at the cat who was pulling his ass across my cream carpet leaving a brown snail trail behind him (in my head he was off back in the summer house at this point). He has also been acting really strange making noises and rubbing against things when I have googled his symptoms it says my male cat is in heat so this week are off to the vet to find out if Sheldon is in fact a Shelly. I will keep you posted!



Mollie & Sheldon


The day he tried to join me in the bath.
